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Skyward Family Access

Family Access is a web-based service provided by the district that allows parents/guardians to view important information about their child. 
Click here to access North Beach Skyward Family Access.  If you have trouble logging in, please contact your building secretary at one of the following locations:
Ocean Shores Elementary: 360-289-2147
Pacific Beach Elementary: 360-276-4512
North Beach Middle School/High School: 360-289-3888

Skyward Mobile - Family/Student  Access Available on Your Mobile Device

As a student or parent/guardian, you can use Skyward Mobile to access Student and Family Access to view student information, such as attendance, discipline records and food service purchases. The Skyward Mobile App is available in iTunes Store, Google Play Store, and Windows Phone Store. Download the Skyward App from your mobile device app store, then click the icon to launch.  Follow the screens to locate the North Beach School District, enter your account credentials (the same log-in your now use to access Student or Family Access), change your pass code and configure your auto-lock setting.