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Attendance Policy & State Law

State law requires children from ages 8 to 17 to attend a public or private school, or a district-approved homeschool program. If families choose to enroll a child between the ages 6 and 7, the student must attend full time. Youth who are 16 or older may be excused from attending school if they meet certain requirements.

Our teachers take daily attendance. We notify parents in writing or by phone when a child has an unexcused absence.

After 3 unexcused absences, we'll initiate a parent conference to improve the student's attendance.

If a child has 5 unexcused absences in a month, we must enter a contract with the parent to improve the student's attendance or refer the case to our Community Truancy Board.

After 5 unexcused absences in a month or 10 unexcused absences in an academic year, our school district may file truancy petitions with the juvenile court. If a student doesn't comply with a court order resulting from a truancy petition, we're required to file a contempt motion.

A conference is not required if your child has provided a doctor’s note, or you and your child have worked with teachers to develop a written plan in advance. This will help your child not fall behind, academically. 

The North Beach Jr/Sr High Student handbook includes our attendance policy.