CNEEB Application
Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit Application
Dear Parents/Guardians,
North Beach School District is participating in a federal program available to select schools as part of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program called Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This means that all students attending North Beach School District are eligible to receive breakfast and lunch at no charge continuing throughout the 2024-2025 school year, regardless of family or household income. However, some of the education programs the district provides are funded from state dollars that require our school to collect household information for all students attending CEP schools.
In order to collect the information, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has developed the Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit Application (CNEEB). The CNEEB is used to capture information and ensure the district/school receives all of the funding it is entitled to for other state funded education programs.
Please take a moment to fill out this form and return it to your student’s school or mail it to the North Beach School District - PO Box 159 - Ocean Shores,WA 98569 2024-2025CNEEBApplication.pdf
Your participation is essential in order for us to provide OSPI with the information they need and ensure North Beach School District will continue to receive critical state funding for these educational programs.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important matter. If you have any questions, please contact Heather Moodenbaugh or at (360)289-2447.
Si necesita esta información en otro idioma, llame al 360-289-2447.